It is recognised that life in a communal setting and the need to accept help with some personal tasks reduce the resident’s ability to enjoy the pleasure of being alone and undisturbed. The Bakewells therefore strive to respect a resident’s privacy in the following ways:
- Being as discreet as possible when providing personal assistance
- Allowing residents to equip and furnish their rooms with their own belonging and furniture if they so wish to and allowing them to use them as much as they wish for leisure, meals and entertaining.
- Offering a range of locations around the home to be alone or with selected others.
- Providing locks on resident’s rooms and personal storage space thus allowing them to be alone and store personal possessions if they so wish.
- Facilitating complete privacy when using the telephone, opening and reading mail and when talking with friends, relatives and advisors.
- Ensuring confidentiality of information the home holds about residents.