Professional Management

Bolton’s only OUTSTANDING rated care home

The Bakewells Management approach is open, positive and inclusive to all.

Quality of leadership at The Bakewells is critical to ensure efficient and effective operations. The Bakewells will:

a resident and care home worker giving the thumbs up
we believe every prospective resident should be able to pick a home that suits them.
  • Have a Registered Manager who is qualified, competent and have the experience necessary to manage The Bakewells to the required high standards.
  • We will also have a management approach that is open, positive and inclusive., whilst maintaining and operating an effective quality assurance and quality monitoring system.
  • We carry out bi-annual appraisals of staff and volunteers to ensure the quality of care expected at The Bakewells.
  • We ensure accuracy by keeping up to date records on all aspects of the home and its residents.
  • One of our main aims is to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of residents and staff are promoted and protected.

Choice of Home

At the Bakewells we recognise that every prospective resident should have the opportunity to choose a home which suits them and their needs and abilities. To facilitate this choice and to ensure that our residents know about services we offer we undertake to do the following::

  • Provide detailed information on the home by publishing a Statement of Purpose and Service User Guide.
  • Provide each resident with a contract.
  • Ensure that each prospective resident has their needs assessed before a decision about admission is taken.
  • Offer trial visits to prospective residents.

Health & Personal Care

In pursuit of providing the best possible care, the Bakewells will:

  • Produce with each resident and their families, regularly review, update and implement, a service user care plan based on an initial and continuing assessment.
  • Arrange the appropriate professionals from our Health and Social Services colleagues to meet the personal health and care need of each resident.
  • Establish detailed procedures for the administration of medicines to residents.
  • Safeguard residents’ privacy, dignity and choice in all aspects of the delivery of health and personal care.
  • Care with dignity and respect residents who are dying and sensitively assist them and their relatives at the time of passing, as they require.

Daily Life & Social Activities

Some residents may need care and help with many aspects of daily living. To respond to individual needs, The Bakewells will:

  • Aim to provide an environment, which satisfies individual social, cultural, religious and recreational interests and needs.
  • Help resident to exercise choice and control over their lives.
  • Provide meals which provide a balance and nutritional diet offering choice in pleasant surroundings and at times convenient to residents.

Find Out More About The Facilities Here at our care home

TEL/ FAX 01204 655 772

The Bakewells, care as it should be!